We would like to bring to the kind notice of our hon’ble well wishers, admirers, devotees, respected guardians of our students, dear ex-students and Corporate sectors that we carry out philanthropic services following the ideal of “Shiva jnane jiva seva” i.e. “Service unto Man is service unto God”, as propounded by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. In fact we humbly try to offer our worship by way of extending service to the people in order to give a lift to their personality.
We would, in all solemnity, like to place our humble appeal to you to kindly make generous contribution and help us to carry out the following service activities some of which we have been rendering for years and intend to render in future with your noble patronage and financial help:
- Charitable Dispensary.
- Free Coaching to the poor and underprivileged children including those belonging to SC, ST, OBC of different villages.
- Helping the poor and meritorious students studying in different schools of Purulia and neighbouring districts.
- Relief Services.
- Excavation of Ponds, construction of Check Dams, sinking of tube wells, wells for the drought prone areas of the district.
- Mobile Medical Service to the villagers of remote interiors of Purulia and neighbouring districts.
- Vocational Training to the Unemployed Youth.
- Training to the poor women of the Self Help Groups.
- Imparting Value Education and conducting Personality Development Course for students and Youths.
- Maintenance of Honorary Workers.
Furthermore, well wishers in all magnanimity can also sponsor the poor and meritorious students of Vidyapith. The annual expenses are as follows:
Class V – X – Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand only)
Class XI -XII – Rs. 60,000/- (Sixty Thousand only)
Donations to Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Purulia are exempt from Income Tax under Section 80-G of IT Act. At the time of contribution the donors are requested to mention their PAN and write a forwarding letter to the Secretary informing the purpose for which the donation is sent. Cheques/ Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of “Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith”, Purulia.
Donors willing to send donation through RTGS from India are requested to contact us so that they can be provided with the Bank details for sending their donation.
Donors from foreign countries are requested first to intimate us their willingness to contribute and on receipt of written consent including the procedures involved in this respect from us may act accordingly.
All donations/contributions would be acknowledged and accepted with gratefulness.